Wednesday, February 11, 2009

with or without you

From my Celtic Daily Prayer book this morning:

In Your presence there is an absence
silencing my greatest fear.
It is with You that I know the essence
of what is life, now that You're near.

It is in the absence of Your presence
that I rekindle my desire;
and it is when I am without You
that I burn, an inextinguishable fire.

In Your presence there is an absence
of all that preys upon my mind;
for my heart's desire's before me,
and I leave all else behind.

It is in the absence of Your presence
that I have learned to be apart.
It is without You that I am with You;
for You are the Joy within my heart.
-Janet Rimmer


elizabeth said...

It's kind of like the familiar, cliche quote:

"absense makes the heart grow fonder."

And yet, so true. I loved especially the conclusion... "It is without You that I am with You;
for You are the Joy within my heart."

Jin-roh said...

"et quis locus est in me quo veniat in me deus meus, quo deus veniat in me, deus qui fecit caelum et terram?"

"And what place is in me that my God might come to me? Where in me might God come, the God who made the heaven's the the earth?"


Anonymous said...

ah... how refreshing. Marse