Monday, September 24, 2007


I just got back from the bookstore. I finally bought some of my books. Not all, because I'm waitlisted in a class and want to see how that works out. I still just dropped $175. And that was for 2 classes. I have 10, yes, 10 books in 2 classes. That's a lot of reading.

Since I'm sure you are so interested, here is a list of the books:
For my Pentateuch class
Understanding Genesis by Nahum Sarna
Reading the Old Testament by Lawrence Boadt

For my Postmodern Theology, Film, and Youth Culture class
Postmodern Youth Ministry by Tony Jones (interestingly, my brother bought this same book while visiting me a couple days ago, and it looked really cool. I'm actually excited about this one!)
A Matrix of Meanings by Craig Detweiler and Barry Taylor (my prof)
Teenage: The Creation of Youth Culture by Jon Savage
The Postmodern God by Graham Ward

Well I guess I better start reading. Now I'm never gonna finish those books I started before Desperation...


Ben Nockels said...

Hey - thanks for posting your book list, good stuff. Consider blogging your way through, sharing the big ideas you discover. This is a great way to share the wealth of knowledge with each other.

Lots of love.
Proud of your journey.


luke said...

I will absolutely do that. I'm looking forward to processing the things I learn with everyone. Thanks for you encouragement!