Tuesday, September 18, 2007

not the end

Monday was my last day in the springs. Most of the day was spent packing, but tonight I got to hang out with so many of my best friends in the world. I am so blown away by you guys. You mean so much to me. Thank you for making this one of the best nights of my life. It was beautiful- i will remember this forever.

It's been so hectic lately getting ready for this, plus making the drive out to Missouri for Drew and Kendra's wedding. I usually get pretty overwhelmed and emotional when I'm stressed, and there are times where I have just wanted to call the whole thing off. But God really encouraged me through some things that this is not the end. It's not a new chapter, closing the old one. It is just a new day. And the sun is rising bright.

I have always lived in the past, either wishing for the good old days when something (whatever was hard at the moment) was different or holding on to past mistakes as reasons to not expect victory today. It's been a process over the past few years, but I now understand that if we live in the past, we never live in today. We can't go back and relive yesterday, but we can live and enjoy and love- today. That simple truth put so much peace in my heart and joy for the future that I've been dreading as it's crawled closer. And because of that, tonight was a wonderful time of celebrating with my friends, not a time of sadness.

So to all of you who have been in my life over the last few years, thank you. I can never find the words to share my gratitude for your love, encouragement, faithfulness, and genuine friendship. Please know that you mean so much more to me than I could ever convey! Living life with you has been so much better than I ever imagined it could be! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! This isn't the end, and we will continue to share life. You are too special for me to lose just because of a thousand miles.

As I said goodbye to the last guys at the house, climbed in my car, and drove away, I happened to glance at the clock. 12:00 exactly. A new day.


Irene said...

luke. we heart you. so big time.

Irene said...

luke. we heart you. so big time.

Kendra said...

luke, as irene said, I also heart you big time! I miss you buddy! Thanks for coming to the wedding!