Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So have you ever noticed how we treat some things a s sacred and others as normal. Who doesn't act different in the WPC chapel than the Furnace Coffee House? It's so deep in us that we don't even think of it. (By the way, I thought of this while I was walking from school over to an open church building so that I could get some quiet and pray for a bit...)

And have you ever noticed how you can "feel" God more in the chapel than in the coffee house? Or am I the only one?

Now we all know and say that God is everywhere, but we go to places designed to connect with God. We ask God to come to us. Why do we do this? Is it just habit? Does God really physically come to a certain time and place? Is it just the only way of putting into words our desire to be in fellowship with God?

But then why do some places feel different? You know, those holy, sacred places that demand hushed voices and focused hearts and cell phones on vibrate. Is God really more present there? Are we more aware? Is it because of expectations, or past experiences? Or is it that God is worshiped often there and there is a resonance of his presence? And some times during a worship service everyone is like "Man God just showed up and it was powerful" and other times it isn't like that. Are we all somehow more aware of God and other times we collectively are disengaged?

Please take a second and think about this and pray about it, and then leave a comment with your thoughts. Cause this is something I am genuinely wrestling with right now. I don't just want a theologically correct answer, ya know? What do you think?


theFurnace FS said...

I think there are people out there that their "WPC" is a state of mind/heart as apposed to a building or a room. In fact I think this is what God had in mind when he designated our bodies as the new temple for the Holy Spirit. There have been times in my life when the same presence of God that I have felt in a prayer meeting comes on me while in conversation with someone, in a car, or just walking around somewhere. I guess the goal is to walk with God and become a person that carries the focus that we have at prayer meetings and takes that with them everywhere they go. That's all I have right now. Later.

luke said...

Tyrel! Good to hear from you bro. I'm completely with you on that. I think that is the best way to live. I would really love to hear more since I know this is a big focus for you.

Do you think it is a move on God's part or ours (or both) that makes that lifestyle possible? Obviously, it is only by God's grace that we can ever interact with him, but what about to live with a focus like that? In Genesis Jacob has the dream about angels climbing up and down a ladder into heaven, and when he wakes up he says "Surely God is in this place and I was not aware". Do you think we are just missing God all around and in us because we are not aware? How do we wake up?

So cool that you guys are starting a Furnace in Fort Smith! I didn't know that was happening. That is so exciting! Keep me updated. Love ya bro!