Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Buy Nothing Day!

Speaking of consumerism, this upcoming Friday is Buy Nothing Day!

Also known as Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving is the most celebrated shopping day in the country. People line up outside stores at 4am to get the best deals and instead spend far more than they planned. Employees at these stores miss Thanksgiving because they have to spend the day preparing for the shopping zombies. Trust me, you don't want to mess with the undead, even though these are only armed with credit cards. Just stay home and enjoy the day off, or better yet, have a Turkey Bowl football game. Yes, that would be brilliant.

I normally don't like protest things, cause they are always "against" something and angry with something, but don't offer a better solution. But this is different, because consumerism is anti-human, so by being anti-consumerism, you are anti-anti-human, which is pro-human. See, all those logic classes in college are paying off. And if you ABSOLUTELY must buy something on this day, because you always have and you don't know what else to do, buy clean water for some folks who can't get it: blood:water mission. One dollar gets clean water for one African for a year.


RYAN E. said...

Thank God not all of us are caught up in this materialistic society to the point of giving up family time and rest for a "good deal or sale." I can't agree more with this blog.

Ben Nockels said...

Luke...off subject but will you be in the Springs the few days following Christmas? If so, let's connect for coffee or lunch. Email me and we'll set a date and make it happen. Love you brother. Happy Thanksgiving!
